Recommended browsers

Though you may use just about any browser to access and use cuLearn, it works best on Mozilla Firefox. Whichever browser you use, please ensure that you have its latest version downloaded on your computer.  An outdated browser may not be fully functional. Recommended minimum browser versions for cuLearn are:

Firefox: 26.0 or later recommended
Download Firefox
Chrome: 33.0 or later recommended
Download Chrome
Safari: 6.0 and later
Download Safari
Internet Explorer: 10.0 or later
Download IE

Please Note: Drag-and-drop upload will only work in the latest versions of Chrome and Firefox

Browser Settings

For cuLearn to work properly, we recommend the following updates and settings:

  • Pop-ups: enabled
  • Cookies: enabled (with prompt or without)
  • Java: ensure you have an up-to-date version of Java by visiting